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Researching Health and Happiness

The Scientific Research Behind the Connection of Health and Happiness

While researching health and happiness, the interconnections of the two stand out right away.   Numerous studies are available to explore the relationship between happiness and longevity.  Initial studies date back to the days of the Great Depression, over 80 years ago.  Clinical studies have continued in many subspecialties of healthcare for decades.  Research has shown a connection between happiness and improved health. Specifically, the cardiovascular system, immune system, and long term reduction of chronic diseases. 


Researching Health and Happiness, The Research...

In my personal research between the correlation of health and happiness, the studies were plentiful.  Subsequently, I decided to narrow down my research to a handful of studies that offered a good balance on the topic.  I chose three studies to focus my studies on.  In listing, I chose the Harvard Study of Adult Development, The Nova Scotia Health Study, and The Georgetown University Psychology Study. Continue reading below for the details of each study and how each one applies to our own health and happiness. 

Researching The Harvard Study of Adult Development

Researching health and happiness led me initially to one of the oldest running studies on the topic.  Harvard scientists began a study back in 1938, during the Great Depression,  consisting of 268 Harvard students, in the hopes of tracking clues to longevity.  In addition to the original study, research was expanded to the offspring of the original participants.  Surprisingly, the study offered a lot more data than the scientists expected.  

The common trait that was noted through the years of research, was the connection between longevity and healthy relationships.   Furthermore, the more connected the participants felt with their family, friends, and community, the longer and healthier life they enjoyed.  Not surprisingly, the results still ring true today in our modern day society.  The director of the study, Robert Waldinger, participated in an interesting TED talk on the topic.  See below for information on this fascinating study.  

A TED Talk by Robert Waldinger, the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Developement

Researching the Nova Scotia Health Survey

The mind-body connection with the Nova Scotia Health Survey which studied the effects on the cardiovascular system is intriguing.  Essentially, this study researched the occurrence of coronary artery disease in subjects which had a positive affect  versus a negative affect. The people with a positive affect were found to have protection from cardiac events over a 10 year period compared to the group with a negative affect.  In addition, it was found that people could benefit by decreasing depressive symptoms. Additionally, benefits were seen by also increasing positive outlook.  For more reading please click here.

More on the Heart and Happiness

Dr Sandeep Jauhar, a Cardiologist who speaks on the topic of the metaphoric and emotional heart during a TED talk.  

Researching the Georgetown University Psychology Study

Georgetown University continues to be active with their research into health and happiness.  Their work on the topic has shown evidence that happiness can benefit physical health.  The study layout is to improve the subjective wellbeing of individuals over a 12 week timeframe through a program entitled, Enduring Happiness and Continued Self-Enhancement (Enhance). Essentially, the program offered evidence-based activities in the form of journaling, emotional regulation, mindfulness, guided meditation, and gratitude to name a few. Participants reported benefits in feelings of well being and reported fewer sick days at the conclusion of the research period. 

More Talks focused on the Mind Body Connection of Health and Happiness

My Vinyasa Practice (which provided my yoga teacher training) has a wonderful podcast called Heartfelt Consciousness.  Attached is a link to a recent episode entitled “Abundant Wellbeing with Nischala Joy Devi”. Nischala offers such a uplifting perspective on yoga, health, and happiness. To learn more about Nischala Joy Devi, visit her website.