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adrianne lind
Yoga Saved Me Podcast
When Adrianne Lind invited me to participate in her podcast, Yoga Saved Me, I jumped at the opportunity! I met Adrianne through Yoga Specialists. Immediately, I felt a connection to her accepting spirit and soft voice. She has such a gift for making others feel welcomed and seen in her yoga classes. Upon learning more about Adrianne, I was intrigued by her work with yoga for grief.
Recently she has expanded her work to include a podcast. Yoga Saved Me is an valuable resource. Adrianne became a Yoga teacher after Yoga saved her life for the 2nd time. The first time was in 1996 after she was dropped out of a 4-story window in the suburbs of Paris, France. The second time was after her Daddy died in 2021 and she was drowning in grief. She guides transformative Yoga for Grief Workins and helps humans increase or maintain their mobility and bring more mindfulness into their lives. Her podcast features 30-60 minute movement & meditation practices & the occasional conversation with other Yogis saved by Yoga.
Recently, I interviewed Adrianne in a related blog post. Read more about her important work Here.
A Chat and a Guided Meditation
During my episode with Adrianne we explore my work in healthy lifestyle, adaptive yoga, gardening, and more. In addition, we dive into the topic of weaving traditional healthcare with holistic practices. Interesting enough, we both share a love and deep respect for yoga nidra. Consequently, we share more about its benefits on grief, anxiety, and depression. Last but not least, we finished up with a guided meditation titled “A Sacred Oak Meditation.” As you can see, we dug in!
Final Thoughts
I am incredibly grateful for my connection with Adrianne Lind and our joint collaborations. Unquestionably, I have found the yoga community to be welcoming and supportive. I hope you found the Yoga Saved Me Podcast and sacred oak meditation beneficial. Please feel free to download the meditation below and share with others. It is my wish that others enjoy and share my creative work.