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Blood Sugar Balancing Superfood: Embrace Quinoa!

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Blood Sugar Balancing Quinoa

Looking for a delicious way to manage your diabetes and nourish your body? Look no further than quinoa, a nutritional powerhouse that’s become a favorite among health-conscious folks like you. Here’s why quinoa is a perfect addition to your blood sugar balancing diet:


Pronunciation: Quinoa Sounds Like “Keen Waa”

“Never eat anything you can’t pronounce.   Except Quinoa.   You should eat Quinoa.”

  • Steady Blood Sugar: Unlike refined carbs, quinoa boasts a low glycemic index (GI), meaning it won’t cause spikes in your blood sugar. This translates to sustained energy and better diabetes management.
  • Fiber Fiesta: Packed with fiber, quinoa keeps you feeling fuller for longer, reducing cravings and aiding in weight management, a key factor in controlling diabetes.
  • Protein Powerhouse: Unlike most grains, quinoa is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids your body needs. This translates to stronger muscles, better satiety, and a metabolism boost.
  • Learn more about clinical research associated with quinoa Here.

Ready To Get Cooking?

  • balance blood sugar
  • Breakfast Bowl: Ditch the sugary cereals! Make a breakfast bowl with cooked quinoa, berries, a sprinkle of nuts, and a dollop of Greek yogurt for a protein-packed and satisfying start to your day.
  • Savory Side Dish:  For a flavorful side, toss cooked quinoa with roasted vegetables, a drizzle of olive oil, and your favorite herbs.
  • Superfood Salad:  Elevate your salad game by adding quinoa as a base. Top it with grilled chicken, avocado, and a light vinaigrette for a well-rounded and delicious lunch.

Quinoa is a versatile and blood sugar balancing diabetic-friendly superfood. So, embrace its goodness and explore the endless ways to incorporate it into your healthy and delicious meals! Find healthy and delicious meal ideas in our recipe library Here!

Are you interested in other easy ways to add more healthy foods into your diet?  Check out more of my eating well articles Here.

Author Perspective

The directions on the Quinoa tell you to rinse them. Don’t use a metal sieve colander because it sticks to the screening and you lose a bit of them; rather swish them around in a bowl and drain as much water as you can by hand over the sink.  Experiment with different colors of quinoa for different nutty flavors. Aldi’s has the best price for smaller portions; I’m not sure about other stores.  I recently used quinoa instead of rice (and tofu crumbles instead of meat) in a stuffed cabbage recipe which turned our picky adult daughter into a convert; it’s the sauce that makes the stuffed cabbage anyways in my opinion.

About the Writer:

Kristina McInerny has been diabetic for over 25 years and has been a Certified Optavia Coach for 3 years.  Formerly, she was an IT Project Manager with an MBA in Business and needed a new focus in retirement. She chose health coaching; teaching healthy habits and coaching people to fuel a healthy future.

Kris lives in Hendersonville, NC in the summers and in St. James City, FL in the winters.  Her hobbies include hiking, traveling and playing pickleball and ping pong with her husband Matt as well as volunteering at C.O.A. in NC and P.I.C.C. Thrift Mall in FL.  She manages a few websites on the side to keep her tech skills up to date.