Garden Love: Cultivating Growth One Seed At A Time
Garden Love: Cultivating Growth One Seed At A Time Read More »
Gardening is so good for the body, mind, and spirit. Learn easy ways to add more gardening projects into your life for improved well-being.
The garden and a gardener. Such an interwoven relationship of trust, loyalty, and, above all, love. Let the love story begin…
My first love affair began in my early 20’s with several basil plants I planted in a pot on a deck railing. At the time, I wasn’t even sure if I liked basil. In fact, the only reason I planted basil was because they were in the clearance section and would only set me back a dollar each. Nonetheless, I scooped up five dollars worth and took them home with the hopes they would know what they needed to survive.
Those sweet basil plants, which I planted very closely in a small pot , thrived. Looking back, I had very little to do with their success. After all, I was a busy mom with a marriage, small children, and a job. Ironically, the clearance aisle plants quadrupled in size in no time. For this reason, those five basil plants introduced our family to homemade pesto, which quickly became a summer staple. As a result, I became wooed by the idea of growing something lovely as well as nourishing. Subsequently, I have tended a garden to varying degrees ever since.
In this article, I hope to explore the many benefits associated with the connection between the garden and the gardener.