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The Story So Far

the story so far
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The Story So Far

Welcome to the brand new Harvesting Health and Happiness Blog!

The Story So Far… where do I begin?  The last few months have been incredibly busy with taking my ideas and bringing them into fruition!  The act of putting pen to paper came very easy for me.  However, the months of learning about producing a website, designing pages and posts,  and the daunting task of comprehending email marketing has been a mountain to climb.  To say I am an amateur at these things is an understatement!  

There are a few truths I know more now than ever.  Firstly, due to the amount of free information available at this era of time, teaching yourself a new skill is more available than ever before. Secondly, anything you put your mind towards can be brought to fruition.  And lastly, if you wait until you are an expert, you will likely never start.   I humbly bring to you Harvesting Health and Happiness with a giving, beginner’s heart.  

“A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step.”  Lao Tzu


Harvesting Health and Happiness is an approachable, accessible, and uplifting blog offering tips in the form of habits to improve wellbeing.  Habits are offered weekly in one of five categories. Categories consist of movement (exercise content), whole foods, rest/reset, earthing/gardening, and yoga.  My rambling category is just that, personal ramblings or catch all’s, of my inner thoughts, dreams, and goals.  In addition, my content will provide lifestyle habits which can be adapted and practiced by anyone with the desire to improve their overall health and happiness.  


My “Why?” is very personal.  Naturally, I have an inclusive heart. Additionally, I am a forever cheerleader for others, especially the underdog!  You see, I feel improved health through lifestyle changes should be available to everyone.  Limiting beliefs such as body size, financial standing, and feeling excluded is not what this site is about.  My tips, in the form of habits, foster acceptance and inclusion.  

A Note About "Harvesting"

Harvesting, at first glance, may bring about thoughts of fresh tomatoes at the local market in mid July.  Actually, I tend to gravitate towards thoughts of gardens and apple trees as well.  However, when breaking down the word “Harvest”, in a literal sense, it can be described as “Bringing forth abundance.”  Harvesting abundance into our daily lives in ways deeper than power, control, and money.  Rather, focusing on the abundant gift which is the human experience.  I challenge you to look within yourself, seek out your talents, build yourself up, and be receptive to what you may be able to harvest in your life. 

A Note About "Health"

Health, a short word loaded with so much significance.  I want to be clear that I do not take health lightly.  Health is a topic with a magnitude of meanings which vary from person to person.  Oftentimes, things just happen in our life without reason.  Many times these things present themselves as a diagnosis or disease.  My years of healthcare experience, prior to my new path, taught me never to underestimate the power of chance.  Sometimes, unfortunately, bad things just happen, and sometimes health is one of those things.  

Regardless, I like to think, for the majority of folks, healthy lifestyle choices offer protection from ailments.  Furthermore, healthy lifestyle choices bring about improved self-esteem, decreased depression and anxiety, and an overall improved outlook.  Therefore, taking a good swing at positive habits is a win win in my humble opinion!

A Note About "Happiness"

Happiness, another word that is often misunderstood!  Happy can seem so trivial, so easy, so second nature, but it is NOT!  Happiness has, unfortunately, become harder and harder to achieve in our modern world.  Sure, many of us have luxuries that our ancestors would be astounded by.  We have creature comforts that were unheard of just a decade ago.  Undeniably,  our gadgets provide us with a life many of us never imagined possible.  

All things considered, as a nation, we have collectively been through a challenging time. Recent research shows many of us are struggling to find happiness in our lives.  See the research collected by the American Psychological Association for  details.  Overall, I want to be clear in my understanding that happiness is a multifaceted and ever-changing emotion. Life, in general, is an ebb and flow of thoughts, circumstances, events, and reactions.  The human experience is not to be taken lightly, it can be downright hard at times!  However, my hope is to offer small tidbits of enjoyment wrapped up in upbeat but educational blogs and videos.  These are a collection of habits that have served me well through the years and, in doing so, brought me more health and happiness.  My wish is to share these with you!

Follow Along!

Follow along with Harvesting Health and Happiness for a weekly blog post on self-care.  Better yet, sign up to receive updates by email in your inbox!  My hope is to offer free tidbits of my tried and true habits for improved health and wellbeing in others.  Don’t forget to sign up for the email send-outs below!

More To Come!

Without a doubt, there is more to come!  In the deepest parts of my soul, my wish is that this blog will grow and offer support to many people. I come with a sincere container and open heart.  Additionally, being a dreamer, I have dreams I have never dared to dream.  Just as the quote says, “A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step”… and this is my Single Step!

1 thought on “The Story So Far”

  1. Excellent and very encouraging! I will be your biggest fan and cheerleader! I love the name you gave your journal and the colorful H logo in the upper left corner! Write on!

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