Home » Greenhouse Project » Introducing Soul Place, The Greenhouse!

Introducing "Soul Place" The Greenhouse!

Without further ado, I would like to introduce my greenhouse,  Soul Place!   I am still in awe of how the materials came together to make such a glorious structure.  My kitchen garden has been dressed up so nicely with the new addition.  Subsequently, she has arrived just in time for the celebration of the summer solstice!  Learn more about my kitchen garden by clicking here. 

Seeds are currently being nurtured while under her walls of protection.  Meanwhile, my mind is abuzz of future plans and possibilities.  Be sure to check back often, as I have many plans in the works. Continue reading to learn more about Soul Place, the greenhouse!

Soul Place... The Name...

When thinking of a name for my beloved greenhouse, my thoughts always returned to one in particular.  Soul Place. Soul Place is a place you feel drawn to. It is the  place you feel as if you belong.  In addition, it is a place that feels as much a part of you as you are of it.  Likewise, it is a place that  speaks to your soul and feels like home.  The idea of  a sense of place has always intrigued me.  

In the last few years, I have read many books that explore this topic.  Jeffery Paine describes soul place well, “A sense of connection between inner and outer landscape. The softening of the heart.”   As well as Sharon Blackie with “We are not separate from this Earth, we are a part of it, whether we fully feel it in our bodies yet or not.”

the garden and gardener

Soul Place… The Meaning…

“A Soul Place is a special site or spot where we experience unique feelings of belonging, empowerment and energetic rejuvenation.”
– Mateo Sol

A soul place is as individual to a person as anything else.  For instance, you may find your sacred place in the salty breezes of the coastline, while others will feel drawn to the highest mountain peaks.  Likewise, some feel a strong connection to their childhood hometown, while others will find their sense of place in a sprawling city. Without a doubt, the Pisgah Forest and its landscapes rooted in the natural world, is that place for me.  Furthermore, digging in her loamy soil, accepting her generous amounts of rainfall, all the while being astonished by the continual blessings of green growth.  However, I must stay on my topic. More about that will come in a later blog article.  

I invite you to think about your personal soul place.  Specifically, the details of why this place speaks to your heart.  What characteristics about this place calls you?  Learning about the archetypes present in your life can offer so much insight into your true nature.  Take a few moments to mull over the places that hold a special spot in your soul.  Indeed, they may hold a special meaning that is yet to be discovered. 

Follow Me on Social Media to stay up to date on Soul Place, The Greenhouse!

Please enjoy pictures below of my Soul Place Greenhouse. Be sure to check back often to see all the things that will grow from this special space!  Better yet, follow me on social media at these links,  Facebook and Instagram. I post pictures, videos, and reels often!

Learn more about the building of the greenhouse on our project page HERE!

greenhouse front
greenhouse side
full view
kitchen garden
greenhouse above

Interior Views

It's All About the Details!

All Lit Up!