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Finding More Movement Daily

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Finding more movement daily offers many benefits to health and happiness.   When first deciding what to call this section I considered the obvious choices of physical fitness, exercise, workouts, etc.  While thinking over it more deeply I decided to practice what I preach.  Exercising the body is a practice of daily activities.  These may involve work, chores, errand running, working out, and pleasure activities.  Finding more movement daily lessens the likelihood of obesity which leads to other chronic health problems. 

The idea is to move the body throughout the day in small ways that keep the body alert and active.  I am sure many are familiar of the trick to park at the end of the parking lot when running errands.  This is a great habit to start and to build upon.  For example, could you possibly walk around your house while chatting on the phone with your friend instead of sitting on the couch?  How about taking the steps instead of the elevator every single time and take it on as a challenge?  How may days, weeks, months, or years could you take stairs and be able to exclaim that you haven’t rode an elevator?  

These ideas may seem silly but they truly do form good habits whereas good habits practiced over time create positive results. Finding more movement daily can become contagious. I encourage you to read further and see how habits can be snuck into daily life. 

Finding More Movement Daily for Increased Health and Happiness!

Practice activity challenges daily to develop habits easily, consistently, and naturally.  Good habits practiced over time create positive results.

I believe when viewing movement as daily habits it becomes easier to incorporate more physical activity in our lives.  Increasing movement habits daily makes it easier to develop workout habits.  Building a strong foundation of being an active person builds confidence and self esteem which makes adding in workout patterns seamless and enjoyable. 

Beginner habits for finding more movement daily

Once you have mastered the phone call and elevator challenge listed above and would like to branch out and add more daily movement habits I have listed a few of my favorites below to try.  Just remember it is not all or nothing… take on a new challenge at a time.  It is easy to get excited and try to take on too much and that can end up being overwhelming.  When we challenge ourselves with achievable habits one at a time we have more success!

  • Walk at least 15 minutes daily in your yard, neighborhood, apartment complex noticing the growth of the trees, shrubs, flowers.
  • Walk the first 5 minutes of your lunch break each day while working, it will make your lunch taste even better!
  • Stretch!  Stretching counts as activity too and feels so good!  Just some basic stretches before your shower and bedtime is an excellent habit to develop and can help you sleep more soundly. 

Incorporating additional movements in daily life becomes second nature and can also become very enjoyable once the habit sticks and becomes consistent.  I think back to all the variety of fitness activities I have practiced through the years.  The types of workouts have waxed and waned with my phases of life but the consistent habit has always been movement… Never stop moving….