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Movement Exercises for the Back

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Movement Exercises for the Back

Movement exercises for the back is critically important for overall health and wellbeing.  Unfortunately, so many of our lives have become so sedentary with our jobs and lifestyle patterns.   Working eight hours or more staring at a screen with our shoulders rounded is so taxing on the body.  Undoubtedly, the habitual postural patterns of maintaining these positions for hours at a time can cause the connective tissues in our bodies to become very tight and knotty.  

I have worked with many  people while teaching yoga that appear to be in very good shape with good muscle tone and cardiovascular health. However, when taking a deeper look, they are often very stiff with limited mobility along their spine.  Oftentimes, decreased mobility creeps in slowly over many years.  Therefore, it is easy for us not to even realize how limited our flexibility has become.  

“If you would seek health, look first to the spine.”  Socrates

Movement exercises for the back can be snuck into your day without much time commitment.  I realize time is a large barrier for many.  However, adding in easy movements throughout the day creates a habit and small habits over time create healthy patterns.  While teaching my movement classes, I always incorporate some form of cat-cow exercise.  The traditional cat-cow is done on the hands and knees. However,  a variation of this exercise can be completed in many positions to accommodate all body shapes, sizes, and mobility challenges. 

Movement exercises for the back.
How to incorporate more movement in the spine?

Movement exercises for the back can benefit from a few minutes of cat-cow performed two or more times a day.  I like to recommend cat-cows upon rising in the morning, and nightly prior to bedtime.  It should be noted, habits formed in the early morning before the hustle of the day tend to be more successful in the long-term.   Moreover, making a lifestyle habit of practicing this back exercise after rising and before bed can help alleviate pain, stress, and tightness.  Furthermore, cat-cow’s can promote more ease in movement and better rest.  

Cat-Cow Exercise for the Back Demonstration:

  • Traditional Cat Cow on hands and knees – Position yourself on hands and knees on a supportive surface.  Fingers spread long for a strong support on the floor. Wrists under elbows, elbows under shoulders.  Back nice and flat, abs pulled in.  Ankles under knees, knees under hips, feet pressing into floor.  Inhale, lift your gaze, drop your belly, lift your hips, shine your heart to the sky.  Exhale, roll through, tuck the chin, round the back making the appearance of a cat.  Rotate back and forth through these movements. Inhaling and exhaling with a slow, controlled tempo. 

Practice Cat-Cow's Daily for Improved Back Health

In closing, please see the video link below for a demonstration of cat-cow in a traditional hands and knees position, sitting in a chair, and standing variation.  Certainly, the variation done in a chair is a great option for stressful workdays.  Especially for days spent with many hours sitting stationary at a computer.  Cat-Cow can be a great lifestyle habit to bring more health and happiness to your life.  For more short healthy habits, be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter in the link below!

Find the Best Cat-Cow Variation For You in the Short Video Below!

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