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10 Minute Stretch Routine to Brighten Your Day!

10 minute yoga stretch
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10 Minute Stretch Routine to Brighten Your Day!

Looking for a 10 minute stretch routine to practice daily? Oftentimes, we wake up in the morning feeling tight and stiff.  This is often accompanied by feelings of tenseness in our neck, shoulders, upper back, knees, and hips.  Likewise, it can feel darn right uncomfortable getting our bodies out of bed.  Continue reading to learn more about the early morning aches and pains and what you can do to improve them! 

The Science Behind Early Morning Aches and Pains

Several things naturally occur during our sleep which cause stiffness.  Firstly, when our bodies remain still for long periods of time, we have changes in the lubrication of our joints and fascia. In addition, the joint lining also produces less synovial fluid, which lubricates the joint.  Furthermore, stiff tendons and weak muscles tend to become tighter during sleep.   For these reasons, morning stiffness is an experience most of us have.  In fact, it’s a daily occurrence for many people.  

There is a very simple way to help combat this problem.  Practicing a straightforward stretching routine completed each morning can improve feelings of stiffness and tightness.  Afterall, a little stretching goes a long way! 

“Flexibility is the key to Mobility.” John Wooden

The Benefits of a 10 Minute Stretch Habit

Dynamic yoga stretches use active movements to stretch the muscles to their full range of motion.  In addition, these poses are completed in a controlled, intentional way to encourage safe movements.   This style of functional yoga movements is great for beginners and seniors as well as seasoned yogis.

Dynamic poses improve strength, stability, and balance.  Mental health is also improved by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.  Practice my 10 minute stretch routine daily.  It is sure to brighten your day!  Find more of my free exercise videos online with this LINK and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for new weekly videos! 

10 Minute Standing Stretch Routine

Final Thoughts

I find, as a yoga teacher, that simple, fluid movements are enjoyed by most people.  Most of the classes that I offer are filled with dynamic movements.  These movements offer a balanced mix of expanding and contracting, lengthening and shortening, controlling and releasing.  The give and take of opposite movements feels so amazing for our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.  

I hope you were able to take advantage of my 10 minute stretch routine.  I challenge you to practice it daily for several weeks and take notice of any improvements.  Simple movement exercises practiced consistently over time can improve so much more than our morning aches and pains! 

About the Writer:

Hi, I am Candy. I started Harvesting Health and Happiness out of a desire to offer blog posts related to health and happiness. My hope is to spread encouraging words through my writings to uplift the collective. Learn more about my story HERE.