Health and happiness wellness blog. While pondering the categories for my blog I became stumped by the name to give my personal writings. My thoughts continued to return to the word “Ramblings.” The definition for the word holds multiple meanings. “A writing or speech lengthy and confused,” is the first meaning. Meanwhile, the other two meanings are “A plant putting out long shoots and growing over walls and climbing,” and “A person walking or traveling for pleasure without a definite route.” Upon reading the first description, of speaking in a confused way almost deterred me from using it. However, I thought deeper upon it and continued to return to it.
You see… the essence of who I am and what I want to portray in my writings is that we as humans are on a path of an undetermined route. We are climbing our way just as a plant climbs towards the sun and hopefully striving and growing upwards towards brighter skies and horizons. All the while, harvesting health and happiness in our own personal path. My desires, with this blog, is to honestly and candidly offer lifestyle habits. While helping others climb towards healthier and happier destinations one small shoot at a time.
Health and Happiness wellness
Rambling… a plant that puts out long shoots, growing and climbing…
Rambling… a person walking a path or traveling without a definite route…
Harvesting Health and Happiness Wellness Blog is the essence of the lifestyles of natural wildness and freedom, which often lead to a life full of health and vitality. The human body is such a gift to embody. I feel incredibly blessed to live in my vessel and use its magic to its highest potential. The desire to come to the end of our earthly life, and know we used the gifts this body afforded us in ways that lifted ourselves and the collective.
I am a romantic by nature and love the beauty of words. Getting caught up in the details is just not my style… I see the big picture in growth, in desires, in life well lived. My personal motto “I live in this body and FEEL the world around me.” However, being a feeler does not come lightly. It is an existence that needs strong boundaries and much self care. Gratefully, I take it in stride and would not trade it, for it is my most inner being.
Health and Happiness Wellness Ramblings...
I do not believe health nor happiness is a destination. Wellness, I believe it is an ebb and flow, a practice of holding and releasing, in the not so graceful dance of living. We tend to live in a world of all or nothing, boundaries that society put upon us and we enforce. In all fairness, not much in life is all or nothing. We are in a constant reminder of what we are and what we wish to achieve. I encourage you to apply principles of balance in daily life one habit at a time and notice the difference you feel in your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Below are the topics I will explore in this blog that I feel are the habits to a balanced life lived well. We will harvest habits for health, wellness, and happiness together!
- Movement – The body was intended to move. When we find the enjoyment and empowerment associated with moving our physical body it is magical. Developing an awareness of movement takes the task out of physical exertion and allows it to become a way of life which brings enjoyment and health.
- Whole Foods – “You are what you eat!”… an old saying that is so basic and so true. The food that is ingested in the body becomes the vessel in which we live. Offering the body foods which grew in their natural habitat with limited processing or preservatives is always best for our vessel and the earth.
- Rest/Reset – This category goes so much deeper than the recommended eight hours of sleep every night. A restful night of sleep is important for health, but rest and relaxation is vital for living in balance. We live in such a time of doing, but it is also important to balance the doing with being. Learning to “Just Be Within” is critical for health and happiness.
- Gardening/Earthing – Living with the seasons is such a natural way to thrive. Developing a relationship with the food that sustains us is so rewarding. Walking on the earth in the soil is so healing. Think about the last time you were barefoot in nature; possibly at the coast, in a creek, or at a lake. The moments spent barefoot tend to be the moments that bring great memories.
Thank you for reading this post. I hope to share many more in the near future. As you can see I am a sappy romantic who looks for the good in all things. I do not have many fancy titles after my name and do not claim to be an expert in my writings or offerings. However, I do have a heck of a lot of life experiences that have served me well. I have a passion for health and happiness and wish to offer my personal tidbits of habits to others one rambling at a time.