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Affirmations: Nurturing a Positive Mindset for Personal Growth

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Affirmations: Nurturing a Positive Mindset for Personal Growth

Affirmations.  What are they? How should we use them?  But, above all, do affirmations work? Can this simple tool bring about a more positive mindset and encourage personal growth? 

To begin with, let’s learn a little about them.  The Oxford Dictionary documents that an  affirmation is described as the assertion that something exists or is true.  In addition, affirmation is also described as offering emotional support or encouragement.  

In simpler words, it is the act of making positive statements to one’s self. Specifically, these statements are said in present tense with full faith and trust that they are and will be true. Essentially, you are acting as your own personal cheerleader!  Continue reading as we dive deeper into learning about mindset and the power of positive affirmations for personal growth!

The Science Behind Affirmations

To understand more about affirmations, we need to learn more about neuroplasticity.  Neuroplasticity is the nervous system’s ability to form new pathways and connections in the brain through experiences.  Our brains have this ability during our entire lives.  However, it is imperative to learn to use neuroplasticity to your advantage. 

Essentially, by practicing  affirmations, we are telling our nervous system to produce a new positive circuit in our brains.  In addition, if you are feeding your brain positive statements, the negative circuits begin to weaken.  Consequently, you are essentially becoming what you think!  Trade in those negative, self-sabotaging cycles of thinking and replace them with positive affirmations.  Set your mind ablaze with positive affirmations to promote a positive mindset for personal growth!

Affirmations are essentially “I am” statements spoken in a positive language.  Specifically, they are things in your life that you wish to work on or improve.  For example, let’s say you want to improve your confidence.  A good affirmation when working with improving self-esteem would be “I am capable,” or “I am worthy.”  In this case, you would repeat these statements to yourself daily for approximately 5 minutes or so.  A good rule of thumb, is to repeat each affirmation, 10 times twice daily.  For example, upon rising in the morning and prior to bed.  

Consistency is Key!

Consistency is key to many things, including affirmations.  Create a habit around when to practice affirmations.  For instance, I practice affirmations every morning in my garden prior to starting my day.  I wake up early enough to have a few minutes in my garden.  This helps me connect with nature as well as with myself.  Therefore, it is a habit that comes about without much planning.  

Likewise, a practice of affirmations before bed is very useful.  Simply recite your affirmations aloud or to yourself several times before going to sleep.  In fact, practicing before bed can be even more beneficial due to the brain being in more of a restful and receptive state.  Planting those seeds of positive affirmations with consistency supports a mindset of growth. 

The Benefits of Affirmations

Examples of Affirmations

  • I am whole and complete
  • I am worthy
  • I am capable
  • I am loved and filled with love
  • My life is full of abundance
  • May I embrace my happiness
  • I am valuable
  • I deserve happiness
  • Creative energy flows through me.
  • I am a great leader
  •  I am healthy and strong
  • I am deserving of happiness
  • May I have faith in my strength
  • I have all I need within me
  • I am a sacred being
  • I can overcome anything
  • I am free to be my true self
  • I love and accept myself.


Affirmation Activities

Traditional affirmations are recited to yourself in positive tense.  However, if you would like to see your affirmations written, below are a few ideas you might like. 

  • Jar – Made from a glass jar with a lid.  Write your affirmations on slips of paper and drop them in the jar. Keep the jar somewhere convenient. Reflect on the slips of papers as often as you would like.
  • Poster – Decorate a poster with your favorite affirmations and hang it somewhere that you see often.
  • Sticky notes – This is a very effective tool for making an affirmation practice stick!  Literally!  Write your affirmations on sticky notes and put them on your fridge, mirrors, etc.  Quickly acknowledging them throughout the day aids in the practice. 

Final Thoughts

I realize this concept may seem a little far fetched to some folks.  However, I invite you to develop a simple affirmation practice for a couple weeks.  Our inner critic can be our own worst enemy.  Learn to practice positive affirmations to support a better mindset for personal growth.  The benefits may surprise you!  

A Story in Closing…

In closing, I have a cute but meaningful story to share.   I vividly remember my 6th grade teacher, Mr. G, and the influence he had on my life.  We were the Generation X latchkey kids of the 1980’s. Mr. G had a huge sign made from an old school dot matrix printer in our classroom that proclaimed, “If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It!”  

Thinking back, this was one of my first experiences with positive affirmations.  He recited this statement to us two or three times a day.   In addition, he would point our attention towards the sign as he stated it aloud.  Thank you Mr. G for always planting those positive seeds of growth!!

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About the Writer

Hi, I am Candy. I started Harvesting Health and Happiness out of a desire to offer blog posts related to health and happiness. My hope is to spread encouraging words through my writings to uplift the collective. Learn more about my story HERE.

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