Loving Kindness Meditation
A Loving Kindness Meditation, often called the Metta Prayer, is a wonderful meditation for beginners as well as those with a meditation experience. The loving kindness meditation is centuries old and originated in the Buddhist tradition.
Practicing a loving kindness meditation a few minutes daily for several weeks can offer many psychological benefits. Specifically, benefits such as decreased stress levels, increased feelings of joy and contentment, and less anxiety and depression are felt with daily practice. Likewise, loving kindness is the act of offering compassion, love, and acceptance to ourselves. As a result, this improves our likelihood to offer compassion, love, and acceptance to others. Several research studies have been conducted on researching the benefits of The Metta Prayer. Read more about the research HERE.
“Love and compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. – Dalai Lama –
Loving Kindness Habit... The Details...
- Loving kindness is a blessing of sorts that sends out positive energy. Essentially, positive energy is expressed towards yourself, loved ones, acquaintances, and others. For example, loving kindness may be sent to someone you love such as a spouse or child. Secondly, loving kindness may be sent to an acquaintance such as a clerk at the grocery store. Furthermore, loving kindness may be sent to someone you do not agree with, such as a coworker.
- This meditation offers a boomerang effect for those that practice the meditation. The positive wishes and energy is sent out and the positive energy flushes back. Coincidentally, this produces feelings of joy, contentment, and wellbeing while decreasing negative thoughts and emotions.
- Calming the chatter in the mind, also known as “Monkey Mind”, is another benefit of this practice. As a result of the stress and hustle culture of our modern lives, our minds rarely get much needed rest periods. This meditation has been shown to calm our inner critic and the self-criticism and pressure many of us put upon ourselves.
- Empathy and compassion towards ourselves and others are magnified with a regular loving kindness practice.
- A sense of connectiveness and belonging to others, their community, and nature is often achieved. Oftentimes, people report feeling more comfortable in their own skin. Consistent practice can bring us closer to our true nature.
Loving Kindness Meditation Script
Below is a short script that I wrote with the beginner in mind. My hope is that it offers an approachable meditation that is straightforward and enjoyable to practice. In addition, this meditation is offered from my greenhouse, which is a magical setting. Attached video is below.
Interested in learning more about my greenhouse? Follow this LINK for details about the planning and building of this project.
Settling In
Find yourself a comfortable seat. Specifically, this could be in the form of a chair or sitting on the floor. Begin by sitting up nice and tall with the spine lifted and crown of head towards the sky. Allow your lower body to become heavy and supported by the earth beneath you. The head, neck, and jaw are relaxed and soft. Soften the shoulders, away from the ears. Allow them to become heavy. Place your hands in your lap or wherever they are most comfortable. Allow your eyes to close or you may soften your gaze.
Establishing the Breath
Firstly, begin to notice your breath. Breathing in through the nose and out through the nose. Notice the quality and the rhythm of the inhales and the exhales. In addition, notice the rise and fall of your chest and abdomen. Meanwhile, continue to breathe in this way with gratitude of your life giving breath.
Loving Kindness to Self
Secondly, as you allow your body to become more relaxed and at ease repeat these phrases of self love to yourself. Speak these statements to yourself with an open heart full of love without judgement or criticism. “May I be Happy.” “May I be Healthy.” “May I be Safe.” “May I be Free.”
Loving Kindness to a Loved One
Next, I would like to invite you to offer loving kindness to someone you love. This could be a family member, spouse, or friend. Additionally, this should be a person that you love and have a good relationship with. Repeat these phrases to yourself about this loved one.
Recite these words to yourself with an open heart full of love without judgement or criticism. “May You be Happy.” “May You be Healthy.” “May You be Safe.” “May You be Free.”
Loving Kindness to an Acquaintance
Now, I would like to invite you to offer loving kindness to an acquaintance. Choose a person that you know and see often but do not know well. For example, this could be someone you see on your morning walk, maybe a worker at a local restaurant, or a clerk at a grocery store you visit often. Once you have someone in mind repeat these phrases to yourself about this acquaintance.
Recite these words to yourself with an open heart full of love without judgement or criticism. “May You be Happy.” “May You be Healthy.” “May You be Safe.” “May You be Free.”
Loving Kindness to a Difficult Person
Comparatively, I would like to invite you to offer loving kindness to a difficult person. Choose a person that you may have conflicting views or share difference of opinions. Once you have someone in mind, can you think of something about them that you appreciate or respect? Next, repeat these phrases to yourself about this difficult person.
Recite these words to yourself with an open heart full of love without judgement or criticism. “May You be Happy.” “May You be Healthy.” “May You be Safe.” “May You be Free.”
Loving Kindness to all Beings
Finally, I would like to invite you to offer loving kindness to all living beings in the world. The living beings in your home, community, your state or providence, and your country. Likewise, reaching further out and sending loving kindness to all living beings of the whole wide world. The living beings in human form and animal form. Collectively, the living beings residing under the sea and high in the sky. Could you offer up loving kindness to all the living beings known and unknown? Empathetically, repeat these phrases to yourself.
Recite the words with an open heart full of love without judgement or criticism. “May You All be Happy.” “May You All be Healthy.” “May You All be Safe.” “May You All be Free.” “MAY YOU ALL BE FREE!”
Feel the Peaceful Energy You just Created and Shared.
In closing, notice the warmth and glow you may feel from the positive energy you produced and shared with the world. The boomerang effect of loving kindness is a miraculous tool. Positive energy flows from us with our positive affirmations. Meanwhile, these morsels of goodwill is sent to ourselves and others.
Loving kindness is a practice of self love and unconditional love wrapped up together as a gift. I encourage you to walk in the basking glow of loving kindness today and everyday. You may open your eyes…
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Loving Kindness Guided Meditation Video
***Listen with earbuds or headphones to encourage full relaxation.***
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