Era of the Crone: Grandchildren, Gallstones, & Gray Hair!
Grandchildren, gallstones, gray hair OH MY! In a handful of days, with the arrival of my 49th birthday, I will officially be entering my era of the crone. Sometimes referred to as hag or wise woman. On November 17, 1974, I entered this world on a mild, clear Sunday evening. Arriving with the water sign of Scorpio, under a waxing crescent moon, I was ushered into an unsettled world which was experiencing great transition and transformation during the 1970’s. With my arrival coming after the ever popular baby boom generation, I would be considered part of Generation X, the MTV generation, or my favorite, the Latchkey kids.
Fast forward approximately half a century and Generation X has officially arrived into older adulthood. Without a doubt, our resilient and independent nature has supported us on our journey. We are the generation known for respecting diversity, being flexible, and striving for a healthy work-life balance. In addition, with the arrival of school computers, we were the first school kids to be introduced to technology. Clearly, our lives have been in a constant cycle of change. Unquestionably, our sense of sarcasm has served us well, and proven to be our number one coping strategy! Take a chill pill dude! Oh Well… Whatever… Nevermind… BUMMER!!
Era of The Crone, The Hag, The Wise Women!
The maiden, the mother, and the crone. Our tapestry of experiences we women weave into the histories and stories of our lives.
The Maiden
First, let’s look at the innocent, free-spirited maiden. Clearly, she is naive and innocent, not quite tainted by the realities of her current world. She embodies playfulness, creativity, beauty and charm. Coupled with her smooth skin and glossy mane of hair, she enjoys the fruits of being young, energetic, and free.
The Mother
Secondly, I introduce the archetype of the compassionate and nurturing mother. Specifically, she shelters, supports, and gives her energy to others without ceasing. Her identity is often obscured by her duties of protecting and raising her children and family. Physically, her body carries with her the aftermath of motherhood. Swollen bellies and engorged breasts that later gave way to loose and relaxed skin. Proof of difficult births is painted hip to hip in the form of cesarean scars. Additionally, the mother showcases tired and worried eyes due to late night feedings and waiting out curfews.
Motherhood is also a time of great reward. With the arrival of the first smiles, first word, and first steps make being in the mother phase so uplifting. Thus, the years spent as a mother often represent some of the best years along with some of the best memories.
The Crone
Lastly, the crone, aka the hag, or the wise woman. She is the story between the stories. At nearly half a century old, her midlife dances between two worlds. Comparatively, one of prolific fruit and abundance sandwiched alongside the barren end of life. Clearly, the beginnings of menopause is just that, an intermission, which eventually, leads to the final feminine performance.
Don’t believe the frightful stories that have been passed down for years about the elder woman! Numerous stories like to depict her as ugly, demonic, sinister, and evil. In truth, the phase of the crone should be celebrated! In ancient folklore, the crone comes from the crown, indicating wisdom from the head. Crones and hags were wise women that were often midwives and healers to the communities. She instinctively trusts her inner wisdom and lives as her true self. Additionally, she follows her intuition and often supports others in life transitions.
It is estimated that 30% of our life is spent in the crone era. Celebrate this achievement, relish the title, enjoy the journey! Whether you resonate with the crone, the hag, an elder woman or the wise woman, claim it and it will claim you!
Are you interested in learning more about female archetypes? Dr. Sharon Blackie is an excellent author to check out. Click here to learn more.
Grandchildren... A Dreamy New Story...
Grandchildren…that time in your life when your children have children. Honestly, it has been quite a surreal experience. I guess when you are in the trenches having children, raising children, taking care of children, it’s hard to imagine YOUR children having children.
A Little Background
To fully portray my thoughts on this I need to share a little history. In brief, I married my high school sweetheart many moons ago. We are the exception to the rule, we lasted! Undoubtedly, most high school sweethearts don’t stay together much longer than 11th grade science class, only 2% to be exact. However, my marriage did. We actually still enjoy each other’s company.
Anyway, we finished college, we married, we had two kids. Our son came first, and then, four years later, our daughter. Generally speaking, we raised our family the best we could, with mostly good success. It should be noted, that raising independent children was a high priority for both me and my husband. By the same token, we saw our job much as nature. Raise them, teach them, expect from them, allow them, and of course, love them! For these reasons, my kids are independent, trustworthy, and productive.
A Baby Named Jack
Jackson Gene Price (Jack) blessed us with his cute self on Oct 9, 2023. It was a mild and clear October night under a waning crescent moon. Uniquely enough, his olive skin makes me think he spent a couple weeks beachside before he decided to join us. Without a doubt, he shares his father’s and grandfather’s hairline even down to the cowlicks. Furthermore, his cheeks are becoming plump, which makes me think of my genetic links. Baby Jackson shares many traits with his sweet mother. There is no mistake, his button nose and small ears were gifts from his mom. Collectively, he is quite perfect. Spoken like a true grandmother!
I am 49. My son is 25. A fresh new baby has joined us. The cycle begins again. My son has a son. Indeed, the new mom and dad are in for many joyous, challenging, and rewarding times ahead. Equally important, baby Jackson has a whole life spread out in front of him. What will he be like? How will he make an impact in the world?
Imagining the Possibilities
Grandchildren have a way to make us take a moment and ponder about things. Maybe he will be like his dad and have the gift of gab and be able to spark up a conversation with anyone and talk for hours? Possibly he will love to travel, try new foods, and explore like his mom? Could he be like his aunt and only eat whole foods and put in hours pumping iron at the gym? Clearly, he could be like his grandfather, Pop, and build, design, and create beautiful structures that would last longer than his lifetime. Or, maybe he will be like his grandmother, Lolly, and love to read, write, garden, and explore the natural world.
Whatever bits and pieces little Jack collects as his own will be left up to him. Meanwhile, the rest of us get to enjoy the story that Jackson will unfold. His journey, along with his parents’ new journey, is just beginning. As grandparents, we get to sit back and take in the show, and what a show it is sure to be!
Gallstones... Gut Punched!
Gallstones… Gallstones… Gallstones… How the heck did this happen to me? To clarify, I always assumed my lifestyle would protect me against gallbladder problems. Well, let me tell you, I stand corrected! Don’t get me wrong, I eat fried heavy foods from time to time. Nonetheless, I do pride myself on choosing healthy meals most of the time.
However, the fact is, that sometimes things just happen. We can do our very best to eat well, get enough exercise, and sleep well, but sometimes health problems will arise. This lesson hit me square in the gut a week or so ago with a diagnosis of gallstones!
Interested in an easy way to exercise consistently? Learn more about my live online fitness classes coming in Jan 2024 Here!
Listen To The Intelligence of YOUR Body!
I believe there is an intelligence that lives within us that is often beyond our understanding. As a yoga teacher, I speak of this very often in class. Nonetheless, I did not do a very good job at heeding my body’s warnings and alarm bells. Below is a list of things I learned through this experience.
- We do our best to stay healthy, but sometimes things just happen.
- It is possible to have a health condition without checking off ALL the boxes related to that condition.
- If you are lucky enough to have access to the life-saving treatments of modern medicine, consider yourself blessed!
- Stacking eastern medicine practices with western medicine treatments is a powerful tool! No need to choose one or the other!
Gray Hair...Silver Stands of Wisdom!
Embracing gray hair is like unlocking a treasure chest of wisdom and experience right on top of your head! It’s your personal silver lining, by allowing those shimmering strands to tell the world your unique story. Gray hair isn’t a sign of fading youth; it’s a declaration of the vibrant life you’ve lived. Embrace the silver strands! Silver hair is your personal trophy, showcasing the battles you’ve conquered and the laughter lines you’ve earned. Undoubtedly, a reflection of the adventure and challenges that have shaped the incredible person you are today!
Final Thoughts
To say the last month has been a humbling experience is an understatement! Life is a continual ebb and flow of events, thoughts, and experiences.
In fact, humans often experience opposing emotions simultaneously. For example, bouncing between thoughts of happiness, contentment, uncertainty, and grief is a normal occurrence. When challenging times arise, remembering that we can sit in the seat of the observer is a powerful tool. In the same fashion, using our breath to calm the body and mind is a practice worth its weight in gold. Equally important, when happy moments greet you and bring joy, excitement, and love, cling to those moments with all you’ve got!
Once again, thank you for reading and see you in the next post!
Oh how I loved this writing! Congratulations on the grand baby, he will bring you more joy than you can imagine. I was 48 when Tripp was born, he’s 17 and a junior in high school now. It’s hard to imagine how fast that time has flown by. Soak up all that you can.
You might still have some phantom gallbladder pain. I did for almost a year after having mine out. But it was a great decision.
Gray hair, I let all the color grow off about 5 years ago. Still then I was sporting my short hair. After my Covid experience, a good bit of my hair fell out. When it grow back in it was all curly! I’ve never had curly hair but am learning to embrace it now because I have no choice.
Your writing is beautiful and I love it. Keep it up ?
Hi Kim, Thank you for sharing your insights. Life can be a roller coaster at times but overall we are both very blessed! I appreciate you reading and your compliments on my blog. I put my heart and soul in my writings!